About Me

Hey, I'm Phoebe, I became vegan in January 2016 after being vegetarian for quite a while. I'm the dopiest of cooks, hence the blog name, I'm forever forgetting and misplacing vital ingredients, spilling sauces, covering work surfaces in flour and just causing all round kitchen mayhem. I strongly believe in living a cruelty free life and try to live by this ethos in as many parts of my life as I can. While trying to live cruelty free is the driving force behind my lifestyle I have seen benefits in my own well being too.This is a place to share fun, creative and inspiring vegan and gluten free recipes. I have type 1 diabetes so I try to make my recipes diabetic friendly, though I have a sweet tooth so I'm not adverse to the odd desert too. I also write about my struggles with mental health, I suffer with Borderline personality disorder, depression and anxiety, I find this super therapeutic but I hope it may help someone else too!
Disclaimer I tend to shop in Sainsbury's, Tesco, or Lidls and I live in London so have access to large stores. But in the main I think the ingredients I use are easily accessible. My boyfriend is gluten intolerant so most of my recipes will be gluten free too. Second Disclaimer I'm lazy too I eat beans on toast a lot !