Pumpkin Pasties
Remember last year when I went a bit Halloween mad and did a Harry Potter Butter Beer recipe? Well I've left it a bit last minute but...

Strawberries and Cream Ice Lollies
An organised blogger would have had this recipe ready for the Wimbledon final, cos what screams Wimbledon more than strawberries and...

Rhubarb and Custard Cupcakes, and the River Pool Spring Clean
I want to start of by saying this post is late. Very late. A whole month late. Sorry. But that's just the kinda person I am, I'm never...

Coconut and Mango Vegan Creme Egg
Happy Easter! I love Spring, it's my second favourite season after Autumn (Autumn will forever have my heart). It's bursting with new...

Fairtrade Fortnight: Chocolate and Raspberry Banana Split
The last week of February and first week of march may be better known for being the start of spring, the beginning of snow storms and...

Christmas Tiffin
The most magical time of the year is upon us! OH yes It is very very close to Christmas now guys and excitement is reaching a fever pitch...

Vegan Butterbeer
Welcome to Hogwarts! Today you will be learning how to make the finest butterbeer, without harming any magical or non magical creatures....

Apple, Coconut and Hazelnut Crumble
Hello! It's been a hella long time since I wrote a blog post, or even really engaged with my social media. You might have been wondering...

The Dopey Vegan's Little Book Of Summer Is Here!
The time has finally arrived! oh yes! you can now get your hands on a Little Book Of Summer. Simply click the shop button in the menu...

Rhubarb Overnight Oats
If you haven't seen my instagram or facebook you probably won't be aware of my super massive big news! I am releasing a zine with Divya...