Fashion Revolution Week: Loved Clothes Last
Welcome to day 4 of Fashion Revolution Week. Today's theme is loved clothes last. I love this theme because it's all about loving what you already own, no matter where its from. If you're jut starting out on your journey as a conscious consumer, this is a great place to start. Looking at what's already in your wardrobe and loving it.

In my case my wardrobe often gets twice the love as me and my sister, Alice, share absolutely everything. So for today's blog I thought I would show you how we share clothes, despite having very different styles, and therefore love them twice as hard! For these photos we decided to dress firstly in completely our own clothes, and show you a typical outfit for our individual style. Then we chose an outfit, typical for our style completely from the others wardrobe. The clothes are a mish mash of second hand, and long term loved high-street purchases.
We also wrote a paragraph describing our own style and then what we love about each other's style.

Phoebe's wardrobe
Jumper - Secondhand, given to me as a gift by Jamie
Skirt - vintage from Rokit Vintage
If I had to choose three words to describe my style it would be something like grungey hippy fairy. I flit between being very girly, and very grungey. My favourite fashion eras are definitely the 90s, and the 70s, and I think my style is a bit of a mashup of both. I always want to describe my style as a 90s tv witch but whether I actually achieve that is another matter. I definitely have some style staples. I love baggy jeans and straight leg jeans, but hate skinny jeans, unless they have some cool pattern on, but plain blue highwasted skinny jeans are just not my jam. I love a baggy jumper or tee. I love floaty skirts, particularly what's known as a mary kate and Ashley skirt (like the one pictured I'm wearing here). I love colour, and wearing pattern on pattern is super ok by me. But I also do like wearing darker outfits, as long as they make me look like an off duty witch. I like to stand out in a crowd, and I'm not afraid of being overdressed, but I am very afraid of being underdressed. Clothes give me confidence, and the best kind of clothes for me, are the ones that start conversations.

Alice's wardrobe
Jeans - vintage
Top - Given to Alice as a gift
Trainers - Nikes, not ethical
Headband - highstreet, not ethical
Alice's style is very different from my own, but I still really love it. I love her ability to put clothes together that exude sass and female badasssery. She always looks super professional but never boring. I love that she literally always looks like a young super successful female boss, which she is, but she's dressing that way for years even before she owned a business! But she manages to make workwear look ultra chic, and interesting. She loves colour too, and she's very good at adding pops of colour to an office look. Her style really suits her personality, which is bossy, sassy, get shit done vibes, but also funny and sweet. I love her going out looks too, she always looks ultra sexy and like she hasn't tried very hard at all. I often think my style can come across as someone trying really really hard to be cool, whereas Alice never has that problem. I like Alice's touches of the feminie, paired with her tailoring and traditional workwear. Alice's style is basically what you would imagine if female empowerment was an outfit. And I think that's really cool!

Alice's wardrobe
Jumper - vintage from Dark Paradise Vintage
Jeans - highstreet, not ethical
Shoes - highstreet, not ethical
I would describe my style as polished. I can’t do grundgy to save my life. I like everything neat and tidy. I am almost always in a high waisted pair of trousers, and I dig a bit of tailoring. I basically always look like I could be on my way to or from my office, even if im not. But I love my style, and the clothes I wear make me feel like me. I don’t think I realised that properly until lockdown. I spent two weeks in tracksuits and PJ’s feeling crap, until I decided to get dressed like I was off to work. And bam. I felt like me again and in control.

Phoebe's wardobe
Trousers - secondhand brought on facebook
Top - secondhand given to me by a friend
Shoes - highstreet, not ethical
Blazer - highstreet, not ethical
I’ve always loved the way Phoebe can wear anything. My mum always says, “she’d look good in a bin bag”. And its true. I don’t know how she does it, but she buys clothes that I've decided are not a look, and then she puts them on and instantly changes my mind. Phoebe is so bold with clothes. She wears what she likes, and she doesn’t care what people think. I wish I could get dressed in lots of colour and vibrant outfits, decide I liked it and then not worry about other people. Phoebe will tell you I'm the confident one, but when it comes to clothes, thats defintly not true.

This was a lot of fun in lockdown, and it was nice to read what we wrote about one another, even though our styles are very different we share clothes all the time, because of how we choose to style things, and our distinct personalities shine through. Sharing really is caring!
By the way if you want to check out the 2 businesses Alice bosses in her sophisticated work wear, click here!