Sainsbury's Meat-Free Butchers and BBQ
To celebrate Meat Free Week Sainsbury's have opened a Meat-Free Butchers in Shoreditch, and I didn't want to miss it! In fact I was so keen on seeing it, me and my dad got there 15 minutes before it opened for the first time Friday. It's only a pop up unfortunately, and it closes today (Sunday 23rd June).
The Meat-Free Butchers was laid out like a traditional butchers, they even had sausages strung up. It was really cute. There were also free tasters, what is better than tasters! We tried the vivera bacon, the morocan kebabs, and the shroompups. I loved the bacon, so we got a tub of that. We also got four vegatsu kebabs, four sticky ribs by plant power and four shroomballs. Everything was packaged plastic free which pleased me immensely. Everything was also incredibly cheap, we paid £2.70 for everything, I'm really kicking myself I didn't buy more. Most of the items are on sale in
Sainsbury's supermarkets currently. I really hope this is something Sainsbury's are considering bringing to their stores, it would be great to see a meat free butchers counter in every one of their stores.

This weekend has been really lovely, after weeks of torrential rain. So obviously that called for a BBQ, and what better time to try the kebabs and ribs. Yesterday we whipped up a little mini BBQ for me, my mum and dad. Along side the kebabs and ribs we had; two salads (a kale, avocado and pomegranate one and a baby beetroot salad with radishes, tomatoes, cucumber and spring onions), pita bread, corn on the cob, salsa, follow your heart mayo (in my opinion the best vegan mayo) and a bottle green pomegranate and elderflower cordial with strawberries and mint from my garden.

I have plans for the shroomballs and bacon, coming soon! I really loved the vegatsu kebabs and ribs. The kebabs were a great texture and flavoured amazingly, they had a real zing! The ribs were beautifully sticky. My mum and dad also really enjoyed them, both of them eat meat but neither of them missed it.
