Vanilla Coco Body Butter
I love natural cruelty free beauty products but I hate how much they cost to buy! I had this realisation that actually if they are made from all natural ingredients how hard could it be to make them myself. So, this is the start to a new series of recipes showing some super easy DIY beauty remedies. I’m starting with this super simple (it contains only 4 ingredients) vanilla coco body butter. All of the ingredients should be fairly easy to finds online, I brought cacao butter here and the rest of the ingredients I already had in, and can be found in your local supermarket. Try as much as possible to buy organic unrefined ingredients. I made this body butter a few weeks back and I’ve been using it ever since and it is honestly the best body moisturiser I have ever owned. Its super moisturising, sinks into the skin really quickly, smells like chocolate and has no nasty chemicals in.

The two key ingredients of cacao butter and coconut oil are both full of fatty acids which hydrate the skin deeply. They are also high in antioxidants which help fight free radicals damage to the skin. Free radicals can cause in ageing, dark patches, and even dull skin. Both cacao butter and coconut oil are often ingredients in commercially produced products but they tend to be mixed with fragrances, colours and dyes that will irritate sensitive skin.

250g cacao butter (can be found here)
250g coconut oil
1 vanilla pod
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
On a low heat melt the cacao butter and coconut oil, stirring gently and making sure not to burn.
Using a knife split the vanilla pod and scrape the seeds out. Add the seeds and the essence to the oil mixture.
Stir to make sure the seeds are evenly distributed.
Pour the mixture into a bowl and put into the fridge to set for at least 4 hours. (I left mine overnight).
Remove from the fridge, (if the mixture is very set leave out of the fridge for an hour so it softens slightly) and use an electric whisk to whip. Whip until the mixture has a light fluffy texture.
Slather the body butter all over you for silky smooth skin!